What Is Your Action Plan?

By on September 16, 2013

You can plan your whole life, but if you don’t decide to take action at some point, you won’t get very far. When you get right down to it, there is not much that separates any two investors. We all have access to pretty much the same information. The biggest difference is that, instead of planning on how to get realtors or sellers to work with you, one investor will pick up the phone and commit. You can have the best action plan laid out, but unless you execute it, you will never know how successful it could be.

There are a ton of little things you can do every day to get new deals with an action plan. Following up on old leads, calling new realtors, mailing to distressed homeowners, visiting attorneys and calling mortgage brokers for any new programs are examples of just a few. All of these would appear to be common sense, but many investors won’t or don’t have an action plan. Getting deals takes simple steps, but is not simple work. Very rarely will a deal just fall in your lap. Most times you have to put yourself in a position to get the deal. This is where all of the work you have put in begins to pay off.

For every action plan you make, you should write down exactly what steps you are going to do to achieve it. Every investor wants to get more leads and close more deals, but few follow through on their plan. If you want to send more mailings, make a plan on what list you are going to use, the composition of the letter, the envelope, budget and time-frame you are going to work within. The more structured you are, the more productive you will be. Plans are a great starting point, but it is in taking action where your success or failure will be determined.

