4 Reasons To Ditch The 9 To 5 Job And Get Started In Real Estate

By on November 11, 2016

All across the country there are thousands of people who are interested in the real estate business but scared to take the plunge. They grind through their 9 to 5 jobs hoping that things will get better but fail to make any significant changes.  While there is nothing wrong with working in an office the upside of real estate entrepreneurship often outweighs any potential risk.  Like most things in life there are pros and cons with almost everything.  Office work gives you the comfort of receiving a steady paycheck every week or two, using company health benefits and contributing to retirement.  For some this is the safe thing to do.  However if you can visualize the alternative and leap into the world of real estate it can be the best thing you will ever do.  Here are four reasons to leave the office rat race and get started in real estate.

  • Income Potential. Having the ability to make your own schedule is great but only if you are making money. As a real estate investor you are not capped at how much you can make. If you work hard and develop important contacts there is truly no limit on your income potential. In real estate there is often a direct correlation between how hard you work and how high your income is. A popular complaint of many office workers is that they do all the work while their boss or owner of the company reaps a lion’s share of the benefits. In real estate you are directly responsible for your income, good or bad. Knowing this you will naturally work harder with a bigger share of the earnings at stake. Some months will be better than others but instead of working for the company a higher upside potential exists.
  • Scheduling Freedom. Most people who work in an office eventually get tired of the monotony.  They wake up at almost the same time, stop at the same coffee shop and follow the same routine every day. If they have an appointment with their children or have something they need to do they have to request time off and lose half a day’s pay. As a real estate investor you make your own schedule. You dictate how you want your day to go and when you want to get things done. For many investors this is the most important benefit of the business. Instead of having to rush out of the house in the morning they can help get their children ready or drop them off at school. They can coach their children’s sports team or be involved with whatever after school interest they may have. Instead of staying late at the office three times a week they can have dinner with their families and finish up their work at home. Many of these benefits you cannot put a price on. Having the freedom to work where, when and how you like is a benefit that cannot be understated.
  • Happiness. There is no question in real estate there will be many stressful days and moments. Not everyone is cut out dealing with the highs and lows the business offers. Those investors that can handle it often find much more happiness in real estate as opposed to sitting in an office every day. While there are great friendships developed in an office workplace there is always plenty of drama. Instead of being involved, or being in the middle, you can forge your own path. No longer do you have to worry about everyone around you and all of the office politics involved. You will still have to deal with your real estate agent, attorney and contractor but in a completely different atmosphere. With these people you are the leader instead of the employee. There will always be stress in any line of work but in real estate it is a different type of stress. Instead of worrying about small things you will find yourself in a much happier place.
  • No Boss.   There is nothing like being the boss. As a real estate investor the buck stops with you. There is nobody telling you when, where or how you have to do things. There are no deadlines to meet or people constantly looking over your shoulder. If you don’t like something about your business you can go right ahead and change it. Not everyone has the ability to work without monitoring. It is a big adjustment working without a boss peering over your shoulder. Once you get through the adjustment period you will enjoy the freedom and flexibility. Knowing that you are directly impacted by every decision you will put more time into each aspect of your business. There is also something to be said about working wherever you like. Instead of rushing to the office for a 7AM meeting you can get things done from the comfort of your couch. This doesn’t mean you won’t have to work hard just in a different setting that is easier for you.

Having an interest in real estate doesn’t mean you have to quit your day job. There are many investors who start out investing part time until they are busy enough to go at it full time.  This could take several months, several years or never if you are content with just a deal or two a year.  There is nothing wrong with a steady office job but the real estate investing business is available to anyone that wants it.

